Saturday, February 10, 2018

Information Technology Meets Small Business Management

We live in a world that is run by technology. Everything we do involves using some type of technology. Information Technology has changed the way people do business. For example, think about how IT changed the way we grocery shop. We no longer stand in a long line and wait for a cashier to ring everything up. We simply check out ourselves using a machine or more recently we order online and have our groceries delivered to us. IT has changed the way we dine. Restaurants are starting to use iPads as menus where we click a button to order our food eliminating any mistakes the server may have made. People shop online because it’s easier and more convenient than going to the actual store.  IT plays more of a crucial role in business management now than ever before. To be successful your business must stay on top of technology trends and advancements. 

Information Technology continues to make advancements in business. IT advancements have improved business communication. It allowed us to go from mailing to faxing, from faxing to emailing, from emailing to instant messaging, from instant messaging to video chat. These advancements have made business management easier and more efficient.

IT advancements have also created cost savings for businesses. For instance, business meetings can now be held over video chat eliminating travel expenses. Furthermore, IT has made it possible for people to work remotely from anywhere in the world. Remote working has created a solution in times of unpredictable weather such as snow storms and floods.

In addition to advancements and cost saving IT has changed the way businesses store information. Many businesses are now going paperless and storing all information in their organization’s network. This alternative to paper files is not only cheaper and more efficient, it is also safer and more environmentally friendly. Not to mention it takes up less physically room! Just recently I got my wisdom teeth out at a surgery center that had file cabinets in their bathrooms. Obviously, they were not using IT to their advantage.

Business Management and IT are the future of successful business. It is becoming near impossible to run a successful business without information technology helping you. There are now customized systems and software offered to all types of companies to make them run more efficiently.  It is vital that managers use these technology tools to their advantage. I used to work for a property management company that managed over 500 properties. Every time the status of a home changed, an automatic work flow was sent out via email notifying and directing employees on what to do. This is a notable example of taking advantage of technology to manage a business.

Information technology will continue to make advancements in business. Managers must stay knowledgeable on IT trends and advancements in effort to keep their company relevant in their given industry. For more information on how information technology is used in business management please visit
     Photo Source: Lifehack Quotes


  1. I agree that technology has changed the way we conduct business. Many businesses use Ipads as a cashier register, instead of the traditional cash machine. One of the great things about technology, when I sell at expos I can use my point of sale app, and my card reader for credit card payments. This gives me the freedom to sell anywhere anytime. Great post!
